I took the day off the Monday after the show to take my mom to the train and spend the morning with her. I was sad to see her leave. It’s hard not seeing her everyday like I am used to because we share so much together with the horses. But xmas is around the corner :).

Jan has gone to Italy for the week which is good because Vitall needed some rest. He slept all day Monday after the big drive. This week will be easy, just stretching, trot poles and road walks. I am also riding a few extra horses for Jan while he is gone. 

My personal plan for the week is to get my fitness program back on track at home. Pilates, yoga and the gym were a big part of my life but since I’ve arrived here I haven’t managed to maintain it. I am going to check out the pool so I can start swimming. I also found a pilates class on Monday nights so I am going to register for that and I have also started taking Thai Kwon Do which has been a lot of fun. I need to get back into it for my own mental well being as it always makes me feel stronger and helps with my riding. Core strength is huge and since I have stopped Pilates I feel my self slowly getting weaker… Not good!!! So I have made a deal with my mom, she is going to do the same and we will check in weekly with each other, our own kind of buddy system over the phone. Oslo also needs to start running more because he is getting really FAT. Everyone feeds him snacks here all day. Mom couldn’t believe it when she saw him, so no more cookies for Oslo. He won’t be too happy!