Jan is back now from Windsor. So back to training. It has gone really well this week, I’m really pleased with how things are coming together. We went through our first PSG test. I had to laugh at myself because I picked up a canter and it kinda hit me that I am riding a test for “Jan Brink”. I was struggling abit today because I am not feeling well. I thought I was going to pass out after riding my first horse. I was dripping with sweat and had a major fever. Melanie one of the other girls here was feeling the same so after work the two of us went to watch a movie and passed out. The both of us and Oslo slept for over an hour.

I couldn’t have asked more from Vitall this week when we did our final salute I was beaming. We did everything clean no major errors. Changes were all clean and expressive the only mistake I made was starting the 3’s too early. The walk was the only major difficulty as he gets a bit tense and starts to anticipate the walk pirouettes. Jan said it’s just a small technical problem that we can work on. All the half passes went smoothly as well as the shoulder inn’s. Our new plan is to ride through tests once a week to prepare for our first show in October. Over the week Jan was away, I just played with Vitall we went for gallops on the race track. I also did some trot poles with him which he loves. I like to do different things with him while Jan is away. I find it really keeps my spirits up and his.